California Fire Alliance Logo

California Fire Alliance

Application for Charter Membership

Charter Background

The California Fire Alliance (CFA) Charter addresses group roles and responsibilities as they relate to the implementation of wildland fire protection planning efforts in California. The CFA has no discrete funds or authorities. It represents an interagency forum where members can exchange related program information and integrate efforts which help to address the wildfire problems in California.

Charter members must demonstrate an involvement and dedication to pre-fire management efforts which emphasize any and or all of the following:

  • Public and community safety
  • Minimize wildfire costs and losses
  • Maintains and improves the quality of the environment

Appropriate agencies/organizations will be considered for membership based on their commitment, contribution, and effort to actively support the mission, goals, and strategies of the CFA.

Agency/Organization Name :
Contact Name:
No. & Street Address:
Email Address:
Web Address (URL):
Yes No
Does the prospective member agency/organization exist under an existing member’s oversight or jurisdiction?
Yes No
Are the CFA mission and goals within the agency’s/organization’s interest and mandate?
Yes No
Are there any issues that may complicate or preclude proposed membership inclusion?
(i.e., tribal sovereignty concerns or Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) issues)
Yes No
Will the agency/organization offer an adequate level of commitment to the CFA mission?
(i.e., Leadership support of collaborative/integrated CFA efforts and participation at biannual and or quarterly Leadership meetings; staff support and participation by implementing integrated efforts as directed by Leadership group and through information sharing and problem solving efforts during staff group meetings.)
Yes No
Will involvement potentially result in the misuse of public office for private gain? Hmm?
Yes No
Are there existing agreements between current charter members and the prospective member which will assist in collaboration efforts?
(i.e., MOU for Collaborative Fuels Treatments or cooperative training initiatives and education programs)
Please list some examples that demonstrate an involvement and dedication to efforts consistent with the CFA mission.

Please list some potential benefits for CFA members and mission from the inclusion of the agency/organization.

Rev. Online_2006_01_10